Source code for cavendish_particle_tracks._main_widget

This module contains the main Cavendish Particle Tracks widget.

It's the students' home widget, that contains the table of particle decays, and
the buttons to perform all analysis calculations, and to export (save) the data
for further analysis.

import glob
import pickle
import warnings

import dask.array
import napari
import numpy as np
from dask_image.imread import imread
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (

from ._calculate import length, radius
from ._decay_angles_dialog import DecayAnglesDialog
from ._magnification_dialog import MagnificationDialog
from ._settings import get_bypass, get_shuffling_seed
from ._stereoshift_dialog import StereoshiftDialog
from .analysis import EXPECTED_PARTICLES, VIEW_NAMES, ParticleDecay

IMAGE_LAYER_NAME = "Bubble Chamber Data"

[docs] class ParticleTracksWidget(QWidget): """Widget containing a simple table of points and track radii per image.""" layer_measurements: napari.layers.Points def __init__( self, napari_viewer: napari.Viewer, docking_area: str = "right", ): super().__init__() self.viewer: napari.Viewer = napari_viewer # In normal operation: the user is forced to load data before they can do anything. self.bypass_force_load_data = get_bypass() self.docking_area = docking_area self.shuffling_seed = get_shuffling_seed(fallback=1) # define QtWidgets self.load_button = QPushButton("Load data") self.particle_decays_menu = QComboBox() self.particle_decays_menu.addItems(EXPECTED_PARTICLES) self.particle_decays_menu.setCurrentIndex(0) self.particle_decays_menu.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._on_click_new_particle) self.radius_button = QPushButton("Calculate radius") self.delete_particle = QPushButton("Delete particle") self.length_button = QPushButton("Calculate length") self.decay_angles_button = QPushButton("Calculate decay angles") self.stereoshift_button = QPushButton("Stereoshift") self.magnification_button = QPushButton("Magnification") self.save_data_button = QPushButton("Save") # setup particle table self.table = self._set_up_table() self._set_table_visible_vars(False) self.table.selectionModel().selectionChanged.connect( self._on_row_selection_changed ) # Apply magnification disabled until the magnification parameters are computed self.apply_magnification_button = QRadioButton("Apply magnification") self.apply_magnification_button.setEnabled(False) # connect callbacks self.load_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_load_data) self.delete_particle.clicked.connect(self._on_click_delete_particle) self.radius_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_radius) self.length_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_length) self.decay_angles_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_decay_angles) self.stereoshift_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_stereoshift) self.apply_magnification_button.toggled.connect( self._on_click_apply_magnification ) self.save_data_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_save) self.magnification_button.clicked.connect(self._on_click_magnification) # TODO: find which of thsese works # # self.viewer.mouse_press.callbacks.connect(self._on_mouse_press) # if self.docking_area == "bottom": self.buttonbox = QGridLayout() self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.load_button, 0, 0) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.particle_decays_menu, 1, 0) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.delete_particle, 1, 1) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.radius_button, 2, 0) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.length_button, 2, 1) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.decay_angles_button, 3, 0) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.stereoshift_button, 3, 1) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.magnification_button, 4, 0) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.apply_magnification_button, 4, 1) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.save_data_button, 5, 0) layout_outer = QHBoxLayout() self.setLayout(layout_outer) layout_outer.addLayout(self.buttonbox) self.layout().addWidget(self.table) else: self.buttonbox = QVBoxLayout() self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.load_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.particle_decays_menu) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.delete_particle) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.radius_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.length_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.decay_angles_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.table) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.apply_magnification_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.stereoshift_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.magnification_button) self.buttonbox.addWidget(self.save_data_button) self.setLayout(self.buttonbox) # Disable some native napari controls # NB: Both of these will break in napari 0.6.0 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) # Disable native napari layer controls - show again on closing this widget (hide). self.viewer.window._qt_viewer.layerButtons.hide() # Disable viewer buttons, prevents accidental crash due to viewing image stack side on. self.viewer.window._qt_viewer.viewerButtons.hide() self.set_UI_image_loaded(False, self.bypass_force_load_data) # TODO: include self.stsh in the logic, depending on what it actually ends up doing # Data analysis list[ParticleDecay] = [] # might not need this eventually self.mag_a = -1.0 self.mag_b = 0.0 # Dialog pointers to reuse self.mag_dlg: MagnificationDialog | None = None self.stereoshift_dlg: StereoshiftDialog | None = None self.decay_angles_dlg: DecayAnglesDialog | None = None def _on_layerlist_changed(event): """When the layer list changes, update the button availability""" self.set_button_availability()
[docs] def hideEvent(self, event): """When the widget is 'closed' (napari just hides it), show the layer buttons again. If data has been recorded, prompt the user to save it before closing the widget. """ if len( > 0: self._confirm_save_before_closing() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning) super().hideEvent(event)
def _confirm_save_before_closing(self): """Prompt the user to save data before closing the widget.""" message_box = QMessageBox(self) message_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) message_box.setText( "Closing Cavendish Particle Tracks. Any unsaved data will be lost." ) message_box.setInformativeText("Do you want to save your data?") message_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) message_box.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Yes) reply = message_box.exec() if reply == QMessageBox.Yes: self._on_click_save() @property def camera_center(self): # update for 4d implementation as appropriate. return ([1],[2]) def _get_selected_points(self, layer_name=MEASUREMENTS_LAYER_NAME) -> np.array: """Returns array of selected points in the viewer""" # Filtering selected layer (layer names are unique) points_layers = [ layer for layer in self.viewer.layers if == layer_name ] # Returning selected points in the layer selected_points = np.array( [points_layers[0].data[i] for i in points_layers[0].selected_data] ) return selected_points def _get_selected_row(self) -> np.array: """Returns the selected row in the table. Note: due to our selection mode only one row selection is possible. """ select = self.table.selectionModel() rows = select.selectedRows() return rows[0].row() def _set_up_table(self) -> QTableWidget: """Initial setup of the QTableWidget with one row and columns for each point and the calculated radius. """ np = ParticleDecay() self.columns = list(np.vars_to_save()) self.columns += ["magnification"] self.columns_show_calibrated = np.vars_to_show(True) self.columns_show_uncalibrated = np.vars_to_show(False) out = QTableWidget(0, len(self.columns)) out.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.columns) out.setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) out.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.SingleSelection) out.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) out.setSelectionBehavior(QTableWidget.SelectRows) return out def _set_table_visible_vars(self, calibrated) -> None: for _ in range(len(self.columns)): self.table.setColumnHidden(_, True) show = ( self.columns_show_calibrated if calibrated else self.columns_show_uncalibrated ) show_index = [i for i, item in enumerate(self.columns) if item in set(show)] for _ in show_index: self.table.setColumnHidden(_, False) def _get_table_column_index(self, columntext: str) -> int: """Given a column title, return the column index in the table""" for i, item in enumerate(self.columns): if item == columntext: return i print("Column ", columntext, " not in the table") return -1 def _on_row_selection_changed(self) -> None: """Enable/disable calculation buttons depending on the row selection""" self.set_button_availability()
[docs] def set_button_availability(self) -> None: images_imported = False for layer in self.viewer.layers: if == IMAGE_LAYER_NAME: images_imported = True break self.set_UI_image_loaded(images_imported, self.bypass_force_load_data) try: selected_row = self._get_selected_row() self.save_data_button.setEnabled(True) self.delete_particle.setEnabled(True) ## think about these two + cal once done. self.magnification_button.setEnabled(True) self.stereoshift_button.setEnabled(True) if[selected_row].index < 4: self.radius_button.setEnabled(True) self.length_button.setEnabled(True) self.decay_angles_button.setEnabled(False) return elif[selected_row].index == 4: self.radius_button.setEnabled(False) self.length_button.setEnabled(True) self.decay_angles_button.setEnabled(True) return except IndexError: self.delete_particle.setEnabled(False) self.radius_button.setEnabled(False) self.length_button.setEnabled(False) self.decay_angles_button.setEnabled(False) # self.apply_magnification_button.setEnabled(False) self.stereoshift_button.setEnabled(False) # self.magnification_button.setEnabled(False) self.save_data_button.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def set_UI_image_loaded(self, loaded: bool, bypass_load_screen: bool) -> None: if bypass_load_screen: return if loaded: self.load_button.setEnabled(False) self.particle_decays_menu.setEnabled(True) self.magnification_button.setEnabled(True) else: self.load_button.setEnabled(True) self.particle_decays_menu.setEnabled(False) self.delete_particle.setEnabled(False) self.radius_button.setEnabled(False) self.length_button.setEnabled(False) self.decay_angles_button.setEnabled(False) self.stereoshift_button.setEnabled(False) self.save_data_button.setEnabled(False) self.magnification_button.setEnabled(False) self.apply_magnification_button.setEnabled(False)
def _selected_points_are_on_current_slice(self, selected_points) -> bool: """Check that the selected points are in the current slice of the viewer""" for slice_index, data_slice in enumerate(["View", "Event"]): current_slice = self.viewer.dims.current_step[slice_index] all_points_in_current_slice = all( current_slice == point[slice_index] for point in selected_points ) if not all_points_in_current_slice: napari.utils.notifications.show_error( f"Measurement points not in current {data_slice}. Measurement not completed." ) return False return True def _on_click_radius(self) -> None: """When the 'Calculate radius' button is clicked, calculate the radius for the currently selected points and assign it to the currently selected table row. """ selected_points = self._get_selected_points() # Forcing only 3 points if len(selected_points) == 0: napari.utils.notifications.show_error("You have not selected any points.") return elif len(selected_points) != 3: napari.utils.notifications.show_error( "Select three points to calculate the path radius." ) return else: if not self._selected_points_are_on_current_slice(selected_points): return selected_points_xy = [point[2:] for point in selected_points] try: selected_row = self._get_selected_row() except IndexError: napari.utils.notifications.show_error("There are no particles in the table.") else: print( f"Adding points to the table: {selected_points_xy}" ) # FIXME: update when PR #164 is updated # Assigns the points and radius to the selected row[selected_row].rpoints = selected_points_xy self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("rpoints"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].rpoints)), ) print("calculating radius!")[selected_row].radius_px = radius(*selected_points_xy) self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("radius_px"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].radius_px)), ) ## Add the calibrated radius to the table[selected_row].radius_cm = ([selected_row].magnification *[selected_row].radius_px ) self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("radius_cm"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].radius_cm)), ) napari.utils.notifications.show_info( "Radius added to particle " + str(selected_row) ) print([selected_row]) def _on_click_length(self) -> None: """When the 'Calculate length' button is clicked, calculate the decay length for the currently selected table row. """ selected_points = self._get_selected_points() # Force selection of 2 points if len(selected_points) == 0: napari.utils.notifications.show_error("You have not selected any points.") return elif len(selected_points) != 2: napari.utils.notifications.show_error( "Select two points to calculate the decay length." ) return else: if not self._selected_points_are_on_current_slice(selected_points): return selected_points_xy = [point[2:] for point in selected_points] # Forcing only 2 points if len(selected_points) != 2: print("Select (only) two points to calculate the decay length.") return # Assigns the points and radius to the selected row try: selected_row = self._get_selected_row() except IndexError: napari.utils.notifications.show_error("There are no particles in the table.") else: print(f"Adding points to the table: {selected_points_xy}")[selected_row].dpoints = selected_points_xy self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("dpoints"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].dpoints)), ) print("calculating decay length!")[selected_row].decay_length_px = length(*selected_points) self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("decay_length_px"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].decay_length_px)), ) ## Add the calibrated decay length to the table[selected_row].decay_length_cm = ([selected_row].magnification *[selected_row].decay_length_px ) self.table.setItem( selected_row, self._get_table_column_index("decay_length_cm"), QTableWidgetItem(str([selected_row].decay_length_cm)), ) napari.utils.notifications.show_info( "Decay length added to particle " + str(selected_row) ) print([selected_row]) def _on_click_decay_angles(self) -> DecayAnglesDialog: """When the 'Calculate decay angles' buttong is clicked, open the decay angles dialog""" if self.decay_angles_dlg is not None: self.decay_angles_dlg.raise_() self._activate_calibration_layer(self.decay_angles_dlg.cal_layer) return self.decay_angles_dlg self.decay_angles_dlg = DecayAnglesDialog(self) return self.decay_angles_dlg def _on_click_stereoshift(self) -> StereoshiftDialog: """When the 'Calculate stereoshift' button is clicked, open stereoshift dialog.""" # Different behaviour to the Magnification dialog, waiting for the definition of the stereoshift layer structure if self.stereoshift_dlg is not None: self.stereoshift_dlg.raise_() self._activate_calibration_layer(self.stereoshift_dlg.cal_layer) return self.stereoshift_dlg self.stereoshift_dlg = StereoshiftDialog(self) return self.stereoshift_dlg def _on_click_load_data(self) -> None: """When the 'Load data' button is clicked, a dialog opens to select the folder containing the data. The folder should contain three subfolders named as variations of 'view1', 'view2' and 'view3', and each subfolder should contain the same number of images. The images in each folder are loaded as a stack, and the stack is named according to the subfolder name. """ # setup UI test_file_dialog = QFileDialog(self) test_file_dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.Directory) # retrieve image folder folder_name = test_file_dialog.getExistingDirectory( self, "Choose folder", "./", QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog.HideNameFilterDetails, ) if folder_name in {"", None}: return folder_subdirs = glob.glob(folder_name + "/*/") # Checks whether the image folder contains a subdirectory for each view. three_subdirectories = len(folder_subdirs) == 3 # Checks that these subdirectories correspond to event views. subdir_names_contain_views = all( any(view in name.lower() for name in folder_subdirs) for view in VIEW_NAMES ) # Checks that each subdirectory contains the same number of images. image_count_first = len(glob.glob(folder_subdirs[0] + "/*")) more_than_one_image = image_count_first > 1 same_image_count = all( len(glob.glob(subdir + "/*")) == image_count_first for subdir in folder_subdirs ) # If all checks are passed, load the images where the event number is a # new spatial dimension (stack) and the views are layers. if not ( three_subdirectories and subdir_names_contain_views and same_image_count and more_than_one_image ): self.msg = QMessageBox() self.msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.msg.setWindowTitle("Data folder structure error") self.msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.msg.setText( "The data folder must contain three subfolders, one for each view, and each subfolder must contain the same number (>1) of images." ) return def crop(array): # Crops view 1 and 2 to same size as view 3 by removing whitespace # on left, as images align on the right. # this number is the width of image 3. magic_number_smallest_view_pixels = -8377 return array[:, :, magic_number_smallest_view_pixels:, :] # Shuffle the images to avoid bias in the order of the events shuffling_indices = np.random.RandomState(self.shuffling_seed).permutation( image_count_first ) stacks = [] for subdir in folder_subdirs: stack: dask.array.Array = imread(subdir + "/*") stack = crop(stack) # Shuffle each view stack in the same way stack = stack[shuffling_indices] stacks.append(stack) # Concatenate stacks along new spatial dimension such that we have a view, and event slider concatenated_stack = dask.array.stack(stacks, axis=0) self.viewer.add_image(concatenated_stack, name=IMAGE_LAYER_NAME) self.viewer.dims.axis_labels = ("View", "Event", "Y", "X") # Move to the first event in the series self.viewer.dims.set_current_step(1, 0) # Create measurements layer if not already there self.layer_measurements = self._setup_measurement_layer() # Disable the load button after loading the data (interim solution until we can move to bottom-docked UI) self.load_button.setEnabled(False) def _setup_measurement_layer(self): """Create a Points layer for the measurement of the radii and lengths.""" if MEASUREMENTS_LAYER_NAME in self.viewer.layers: return self.viewer.layers[MEASUREMENTS_LAYER_NAME] else: return self.viewer.add_points( name=MEASUREMENTS_LAYER_NAME, ndim=4, size=20, border_width=7, border_width_is_relative=False, ) def _on_click_new_particle(self) -> None: """When the 'New particle' button is clicked, append a new blank row to the table and select the first cell ready to recieve the first point. """ if self.particle_decays_menu.currentIndex() < 1: return # add a new particle to data new_particle = ParticleDecay() = self.particle_decays_menu.currentText() new_particle.index = self.particle_decays_menu.currentIndex() new_particle.magnification_a = self.mag_a new_particle.magnification_b = self.mag_b # Record the event and view number if the data has been loaded # Potentially this could be used to check the measurements are done in the right event data_has_been_loaded = IMAGE_LAYER_NAME in self.viewer.layers if data_has_been_loaded: new_particle.event_number = self.viewer.dims.current_step[1] new_particle.view_number = self.viewer.dims.current_step[0] += [new_particle] # add particle (== new row) to the table and select it self.table.insertRow(self.table.rowCount()) self.table.selectRow(self.table.rowCount() - 1) self.table.setItem( self.table.rowCount() - 1, self._get_table_column_index("index"), QTableWidgetItem(str(new_particle.index)), ) self.table.setItem( self.table.rowCount() - 1, self._get_table_column_index("name"), QTableWidgetItem(, ) self.table.setItem( self.table.rowCount() - 1, self._get_table_column_index("event_number"), QTableWidgetItem(str(new_particle.event_number)), ) self.table.setItem( self.table.rowCount() - 1, self._get_table_column_index("magnification"), QTableWidgetItem(str(new_particle.magnification)), ) print([-1]) self.particle_decays_menu.setCurrentIndex(0) def _on_click_delete_particle(self) -> None: """Delete particle from table and data""" try: selected_row = self._get_selected_row() except IndexError: napari.utils.notifications.show_error("There are no particles in the table.") else: confirmation_dialog = QMessageBox() confirmation_dialog.setText("Deleting selected particle") confirmation_dialog.setInformativeText("Do you want to continue?") confirmation_dialog.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.Cancel) confirmation_dialog.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Cancel) return_code = confirmation_dialog.exec() if return_code == QMessageBox.Yes: del[selected_row] self.table.removeRow(selected_row) def _on_click_magnification(self) -> MagnificationDialog: """When the 'Calculate magnification' button is clicked, open the magnification dialog""" if self.mag_dlg is not None: self.mag_dlg.raise_() self._activate_calibration_layer(self.mag_dlg.magnification_layer) return self.mag_dlg self.mag_dlg = MagnificationDialog(self) return self.mag_dlg def _propagate_magnification(self, a: float, b: float) -> None: """Assigns a and b to the class magnification parameters and to each of the particles in data""" self.mag_a = a self.mag_b = b for particle in particle.magnification_a = a particle.magnification_b = b def _on_click_apply_magnification(self) -> None: """Changes the visualisation of the table to show calibrated values for radius and decay_length""" if self.apply_magnification_button.isChecked(): self._apply_magnification() self._set_table_visible_vars(self.apply_magnification_button.isChecked()) def _apply_magnification(self) -> None: """Calculates magnification and calibrated radius and length for each particle in data""" for i in range(len([i].calibrate() self.table.setItem( i, self._get_table_column_index("magnification"), QTableWidgetItem(str([i].magnification)), ) # if the radius has been computed before, show the calibrated value if self.table.item(i, self._get_table_column_index("radius_px")) is not None: self.table.setItem( i, self._get_table_column_index("radius_cm"), QTableWidgetItem(str([i].radius_cm)), ) if ( self.table.item(i, self._get_table_column_index("decay_length_px")) is not None ): self.table.setItem( i, self._get_table_column_index("decay_length_cm"), QTableWidgetItem(str([i].decay_length_cm)), ) def _on_click_save(self) -> None: """Save list of particles to csv file. When the 'Save' button is clicked, the data is saved to a csv file with the current date and time as the filename. """ if not len( napari.utils.notifications.show_error( "There is no data in the table to save." ) print("There is no data in the table to save.") return # setup UI file_dialog = QFileDialog(self) file_dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) file_dialog.setNameFilter("CSV files (*.csv); Pickle files (*.pkl)") file_dialog.setDefaultSuffix("csv") # retrieve image folder file_name, _ = file_dialog.getSaveFileName( self, "Save file", "./", "CSV files (*.csv);;Pickle files (*.pkl)", "CSV files (*.csv)", QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog, ) if file_name in {"", None}: return # Save as pickle if file_name ends with .pkl if file_name.endswith(".pkl"): with open(file_name, "wb") as handle: pickle.dump(, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # Save as .csv if file_name ends with .csv elif file_name.endswith(".csv"): with open(file_name, "w", encoding="UTF8", newline="") as f: # write the header f.write(",".join([0].vars_to_save()) + "\n") # write the data f.writelines([particle.to_csv() for particle in]) else: self.msg = QMessageBox() self.msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) self.msg.setWindowTitle("Invalid file type") self.msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self.msg.setText( "The file must be a CSV (*.csv) or Pickle (*.pkl) file. Please try again." ) return napari.utils.notifications.show_info("Data saved to " + file_name) def _activate_calibration_layer(self, layer): """Show the calibration layer and move it to the top""" layer.visible = True # Move the calibration layer to the top self.viewer.layers.move( self.viewer.layers.index(layer), len(self.viewer.layers), ) = layer def _deactivate_calibration_layer(self, layer): """Hide the calibration layer and move it to the bottom""" self.viewer.layers.select_previous() layer.visible = False # Move the calibration layer to the bottom self.viewer.layers.move(self.viewer.layers.index(layer), 0)