API Reference#
- class cavendish_particle_tracks.ParticleTracksWidget(napari_viewer: Viewer, docking_area: str = 'right')[source]#
Widget containing a simple table of points and track radii per image.
- property camera_center#
- hideEvent(event)[source]#
When the widget is ‘closed’ (napari just hides it), show the layer buttons again. If data has been recorded, prompt the user to save it before closing the widget.
- layer_measurements: Points#
- class cavendish_particle_tracks.analysis.Fiducial(name: str = '', x: float = -1000000.0, y: float = -1000000.0)[source]#
- name: str = ''#
- x: float = -1000000.0#
- property xy#
- y: float = -1000000.0#
- class cavendish_particle_tracks.analysis.ParticleDecay(name: str = '', index: int = 0, event_number: int = -1, view_number: int = -1, _r1: list[float] = <factory>, _r2: list[float] = <factory>, _r3: list[float] = <factory>, radius_px: float = -1.0, radius_cm: float = -1.0, _d1: list[float] = <factory>, _d2: list[float] = <factory>, decay_length_px: float = -1.0, decay_length_cm: float = -1.0, magnification_a: float = -1.0, magnification_b: float = 0.0, origin_vertex_stereoshift_info: cavendish_particle_tracks.analysis.StereoshiftInfo = <factory>, decay_vertex_stereoshift_info: cavendish_particle_tracks.analysis.StereoshiftInfo = <factory>, phi_proton: float = -100, phi_pion: float = -100)[source]#
- property average_depth_cm#
- decay_length_cm: float = -1.0#
- decay_length_px: float = -1.0#
- property decay_vertex_depth_cm#
- decay_vertex_stereoshift_info: StereoshiftInfo#
- property dpoints#
- event_number: int = -1#
- index: int = 0#
- property magnification#
- magnification_a: float = -1.0#
- magnification_b: float = 0.0#
- name: str = ''#
- property origin_vertex_depth_cm#
- origin_vertex_stereoshift_info: StereoshiftInfo#
- phi_pion: float = -100#
- phi_proton: float = -100#
- radius_cm: float = -1.0#
- radius_px: float = -1.0#
- property rpoints#
- view_number: int = -1#
- class cavendish_particle_tracks.analysis.StereoshiftInfo(name: str = '', _sf1: list[float] = <factory>, _sf2: list[float] = <factory>, _sp1: list[float] = <factory>, _sp2: list[float] = <factory>, shift_fiducial: float = 0.0, shift_point: float = 0.0, stereoshift: float = -1.0, depth_cm: float = -1.0)[source]#
- depth_cm: float = -1.0#
- name: str = ''#
- shift_fiducial: float = 0.0#
- shift_point: float = 0.0#
- property spoints#
- stereoshift: float = -1.0#